Common questions
To register for Numbermill Umbrella, we need you to complete some personal information. However, before we begin we would like to make sure you understand how an Umbrella company works.
How it works
Your agency will have advised you of a rate of pay for this role, this is called an assignment rate. An assignment rate is higher in comparison to a PAYE rate if your agency was able to pay you directly through an in-house PAYE. The Umbrella then becomes your Employer, giving you your statutory employment rights.
Why is it a higher rate of pay?
The rate is higher through any compliant Umbrella company to account for additional costs such as Employers National Insurance, Apprenticeship Levy and the administrative cost of the Umbrella company processing the payroll and covering you with the required insurances.
What about Holiday Pay?
We can give you two options on how to administer your holiday pay. You can either have your holiday pay accrued and set aside into a pot so you have funds available to you when you decide to take a well-earned break. The second option is to have your holiday fund advanced to you each time we pay you, however this does mean that when you take time off your holiday fund will already have been paid to you. The most important part, it is your choice.
What to do next
If you have read all the above, then please continue to register online below. We do require your right to work documentation as well so please attach a copy of either your passport or a copy of your birth certificate and proof of national insurance for UK Citizens or a copy of your passport and share code for Non-UK Citizens. We will then send you out a contract of employment, which we will need back before your first payment.
Advantages to you
- You will be given access to numerous rewards click here to see
- If you work with multiple agencies, it can be beneficial to try and use one Umbrella company for all placements. You can then utilise your Tax code for all work, have a single employer and build up a longer continuity of employment.
Registration for Umbrella
Please confirm you have read and understood this information before proceeding to the registration form.