Frequently asked questions
Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section Here, you’ll find answers to the most common queries. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for further assistance.
Q: When do I receive funds for the work I have completed?
A: We pay the same day we receive cleared funds from your agency, all monies due will be with you by the close of business that day.
Q: Why is my Basic pay calculated at National Minimum Wage (NMW)?
A: Your pay statement/payslip contains two pages. If you start on page two you will see the rate received from your agency.
Please also refer to the document “understanding your payslip” for more information.
Basic Pay is calculated at the rate of NMW to demonstrate that even after our management margin and company costs NMW is preserved, which is a legal requirement.
Q: What are Company costs?
A: Employers NIC and Apprenticeship levy, are statutory costs set by HMRC and your agency/umbrella rate should have been calculated to take this amount into consideration.
The money received from your agency has been uplifted to ensure you are not paying company costs.
NB your agency should also be transparent with you regarding this and are required to explain this with their Key Information Document (KID).
Q: Why am I having two deductions for National insurance?
A: You are not, you only have employees NIC (Your own deducted from your payslip (Page 1). Employers NCI is a company deduction (Page 2) that has been accounted for by your agency in your uplifted rate.
Q: What happens if I leave my current agency and start with a new agency?
A: NumberMill work with thousands of agencies and it’s best to stay with the same company even when changing jobs as this will ensure you retain the same tax code and not end up on an emergency tac code. If you provide us the details of your new agency, we will contact them to register NumberMill as your preferred Umbrella provider. We will then contact you with the outcome.
Please contact NumberMill by:
Phone – 0333 121 2001
Email – admin@numbermill.co.uk
Q: Do I qualify for pension?
A: Yes, as your employer we will automatically enroll you after 12 weeks from your first payment in accordance with the government’s pension auto-enrolment scheme.
You will receive an email from NumberMill along with your first payment providing you with the information should you wish to opt in before or during the 12-week postponement period.
After the 12-week postponement period you will receive a starter pack from the Pension provider which will give you further information about the pension plan.
If you wish to opt out of the pension scheme you may do so but this has to be after you’ve been enrolled, if you do so within the allotted 30 day period set by the Pension Provider you will receive a full refund of any pension contributions.
Q: Can I change my mind about how I receive my holiday pay?
A: As an Umbrella employee of NumberMill, you have two options regarding holiday pay.
Accrued Holiday Pay – On a weekly basis NumberMill will account and retain a minimum of 12.07% from the funds received from your agency. The more you work the more the holiday pot increases.
When you take time off you need to inform us (via phone, email or a message on our online portal) to check how much holiday you have available and so that we can make a payment.
Please try to give at least 1 weeks notice and all holiday must be taken in the same financial year.
Advanced Holiday Pay – We are still legally required to account for holiday pay, but this would be paid out on a weekly basis.
This would be shown on page 1 of your payslip underneath NMW. This amount would be paid out in full on a weekly basis, meaning when you take additional time off there would be no additional payment.
Q: Will I receive a P60 at the end of the Tax Year?
A: Yes, if you are actively working with us at the end of the financial year, then a P60 will be issued shortly after the end of the financial year (April). If you leave us before the end of the Tax Year, we will issue you with a P45 which you will need to pass on to your new employer.
If you still have any further questions that are not answered above, please feel free to email enquiries@numbermill.co.uk and we will ensure to deal with your query as soon as possible.