New COVID Reporting Regulations with immediate effect.





Dear Contractors,

NumberMill would like to make you aware that Under The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Self-Isolation) (England) Regulations 2020, which came into force on 28th September, NumberMill have a legal obligation to ensure staff they know have tested positive for Covid-19, or have been in close contact with somebody who has, do not attend the workplace.

These new regulations apply to ALL NumberMill employees.

Failure to comply with the law is a criminal offence and workers could face a fine of £1,000 for their first offence, rising to £10,000 for repeated infringements.

Workers are now also required to inform NumberMill if they have to self-isolate, or possibly face a £50 fine if you fail to tell us about this.

This means that you would be required to go home – and tell NumberMill why – if you have received a call from a contact tracer or a test result text message while at work.

The only form of notification which is specifically excluded is one from the NHS Covid-19 app which is in itself confusing but those are the regulations.

The link to the full regulations can be found here:

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